Campo KIS a Reignwood Horizons

Benvenuti a Campo KIS a Reignwood Horizons

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Scoprite l'avventura definitiva: Unisciti al nostro Campo di Divertimento Internazionale in Thailandia!

Siete pronti a far vivere a vostro figlio un'esperienza che combina emozioni, scoperta culturale e crescita personale? Non cercate oltre! Invitiamo i bambini dai 5 ai 15 anni di tutto il mondo a partecipare al nostro spettacolare International Fun Camp in Thailandia. Con sessioni che si svolgono in aprile, giugno, luglio, ottobre e dicembre, il nostro campo offre un'opportunità unica ai giovani avventurieri di immergersi in un mondo di divertimento, apprendimento e sviluppo personale, il tutto celebrando la loro individualità.

Unitevi a noi in Thailandia e guardate l'avventura del vostro bambino!

Perché scegliere il nostro Fun Camp?  

  1. Un programma completo: Il nostro campo offre un'esperienza olistica combinando l'apprendimento della lingua, attività emozionanti e crescita personale. Immaginate un programma che integri le competenze linguistiche, gli sport d'avventura e il miglioramento personale, offrendo in sostanza tre esperienze arricchenti in una. Se il vostro bambino desidera sviluppare nuove competenze linguistiche, impegnarsi in attività divertenti o concentrarsi sulla crescita personale, il nostro campo offre un'esperienza a tutto tondo che garantisce un impatto duraturo.
  2. Apprendimento delle lingue con un tocco di novità: Il nostro approccio innovativo all'insegnamento delle lingue in inglese e cinese ci contraddistingue. Offriamo lezioni interattive che trasformano l'apprendimento delle lingue in un viaggio emozionante. Attraverso giochi, racconti e giochi di ruolo, i nostri studenti migliorano le loro capacità linguistiche in un ambiente naturale e divertente. Perfetti per i principianti o per chi vuole perfezionare le proprie competenze, i nostri corsi di lingua sono progettati per coinvolgere e ispirare.
  3. Attività emozionanti vi aspettano: L'avventura è il cuore del nostro campo! Immaginate i vostri figli mentre scalano pareti rocciose, imparano a pattinare in linea e nuotano nelle acque cristalline di una piscina olimpionica. Dal ciclismo attraverso paesaggi panoramici all'esplorazione della danza tradizionale tailandese, cinese e internazionale, il nostro programma di attività garantisce una dose giornaliera di divertimento e scoperta. Ogni giorno è ricco di attività che alimentano la curiosità e l'eccitazione.
  4. Esperienze culturali e culinarie: Crediamo che l'apprendimento vada oltre la classe e i libri di testo. Al nostro campo, i bambini si immergono in esperienze culturali pratiche, tra cui corsi di cucina con cucine thailandesi, cinesi e internazionali. Impareranno a creare piatti deliziosi esplorando le diverse tradizioni culinarie. Inoltre, le nostre attività agricole favoriscono un legame più profondo con la natura e le pratiche di vita sostenibili.
  5. Crescita e sviluppo personale: La nostra visione è quella di aiutare ogni campeggiatore a diventare la versione migliore di se stesso. Celebriamo l'individualità e incoraggiamo ogni bambino ad abbracciare i propri punti di forza. Attraverso una gamma di attività diversificate e un ambiente di sostegno, miriamo a costruire fiducia, resilienza e un forte senso di autostima.

Opzioni di campo: Campo diurno e campo in pensione

Campo diurno: Ideale per le famiglie che preferiscono che il loro bambino torni a casa ogni sera, il nostro campo diurno offre un'intera giornata di attività emozionanti dalla mattina al pomeriggio. Il vostro bambino potrà vivere tutte le avventure e le esperienze di apprendimento del campo, pur tornando a casa ogni sera.

Campo di imbarco: Per un'esperienza davvero coinvolgente, scegliete l'opzione del campo in pensione. In questo modo il bambino ha l'opportunità di impegnarsi pienamente nella vita del campo, di stringere amicizie durature e di partecipare alle attività serali come i racconti del fuoco, le grigliate e l'osservazione delle stelle. È il modo migliore per immergersi in ogni aspetto della vita del campo e vivere al meglio la propria avventura.

Unitevi a noi per un'esperienza indimenticabile!

Non perdete questa incredibile occasione di offrire a vostro figlio un'avventura stimolante ed educativa. Il nostro Campo di Divertimento Internazionale in Thailandia promette una miscela perfetta di emozioni, cultura e sviluppo personale. È l'ambiente ideale per far crescere, imparare e prosperare vostro figlio.

I posti sono limitati, quindi agite in fretta per assicurarvi il posto di vostro figlio! Per maggiori informazioni e per iscriversi, visitate il nostro sito web o contattateci via e-mail. Lasciate che il vostro bambino sperimenti la magia della Thailandia ed emerga come un individuo sicuro di sé, ispirato e unico.


Our Stylish & Comfortable KIS Boarding Village

Private Bathrooms for Every Boarding Room Our KIS Boarding Village offers stylish and comfortable bedrooms, each with private bathrooms and ample storage. We offer either bedrooms with four or two children per room and then single rooms for our Seniors. As well direct access to our world class 60 acre campus, boarders have their own multi-purpose dining hall, study areas, and leisure and relaxation areas within our KIS Boarding Village.

24/7 Safe & Secure Boarding Environment

We prioritize providing a safe and secure environment for our students. Parents can be comfortable in the knowledge of knowing that we have a reliable 24/7 tracking system that allows us to monitor student's movements around our boarding village and wider campus. The KIS boarding infrastructure is designed to handle all aspects of safety within a boarding environment. This includes secure sleeping areas, a 24/7 supervised reception and medical center and robust card activated security gates. Each boarding house is staffed with dedicated security guards who students will get to know, and the perimeter is patrolled by security guards during and after-hours to ensure the safety of all students.

Direct Access to our World Class 60 Acre Campus

Each Housemasters or Housemistress will get to know the personality and interests of your child and work to support and encourage their individual passions whether it be sports, performing arts, academics, local culture, or history. Our KIS Boarding Village has direct access to the main school campus which offers world class facilities throughout the evenings and weekends including a high tech 1000 seat Auditorium Center and an expansive indoor Wolves Sports Complex housing an Aquatic Arena, Golf Development Academy and fully equipped Gymnastics Hall. Off-campus, there are a wide range of planned weekend opportunities with cultural experiences and outdoor activities in the wider exclusive Reignwood Park community and across Bangkok ensuring boarding life is an enriching experience.

Health Hubs
Promoting and maintaining the health and well-being of students and staff members, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for learning is extremely important at KIS Reignwood Park. We have dedicated Health Hubs in each section of our school, Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Boarding. Each Health Hub is staffed by a team of fully-qualified and experienced nurses. Health Hubs are open from 7:30am to 5:00pm and 24/7 for our Boarding Health Hub where the nurse team work on a rotation through the day and night. Additional Health Hubs are also housed in our indoor Wolves Sports Complex and Football Training Center staffed on game days and during relevant school events.

The Nurse Team
The nurse team is responsible for all aspects of student health as well as keeping and maintaining student’s health records, providing assistance to homeroom teachers and school counselors should health education be required.

Camere private

Sono disponibili camere private

Bagni in camera

Camera con bagno privato


Sala da pranzo
Sala computer
Sala delle arti
Stanza della scienza
Sala di musica
Sala giochi
Campo da tennis
Campo da calcio
Campo da basket
Campo da pallavolo
Campo da baseball
Campo da golf
Tiro con l'arco
Pista da corsa
Studio di danza


Corsi accademici

Discover, Innovate, and Thrive: A Heartfelt Learning Journey for Your Child

Welcome to a place where education blossoms into an enchanting adventure! Our program weaves together Language Arts, Math, Design Technology, Visual Arts, Music, Outdoor Activities, and Science into a vibrant tapestry of experiences, all crafted to spark joy and ignite curiosity in your child.
In Language Arts, stories and ideas come alive, nurturing your child’s creativity and imagination through expressive writing, captivating reading, and spirited discussions. Here, they find their voice and discover the power of words.

Mathematics becomes a delightful challenge, turning problem-solving into a game. With hands-on activities and real-world scenarios, your child will see how math transforms into a magical tool for understanding and shaping their world.

Design Technology invites your child to dream and create. They’ll dive into exciting projects, learning how to bring their innovative ideas to life and seeing their visions take shape.

Visual Arts and Music open doors to personal expression and cultural exploration. Through painting, playing instruments, and experiencing diverse art forms, your child will find new ways to express themselves and connect with the world around them.

Outdoor Activities offer a breath of fresh air and a dose of excitement. Engaging in team-building games, exploring nature, and developing resilience in a lively, active setting, your child will grow stronger and more confident while having a blast.

Science is a gateway to wonder. Through fascinating experiments and explorations, your child will uncover the marvels of the natural world, fueling their curiosity and sparking a lifelong love of discovery.
Together, these activities create a rich, holistic learning experience. We believe in making education a joyous adventure, where your child uncovers new passions, builds essential skills, and blossoms in every way. Join us, and watch as learning transforms into an exciting, fulfilling journey for your child!

Lezioni di lingua

English and Chinese


Come arrivarci

Indirizzo: 888 99, Lam Sai, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani 12150, Thailand
Aeroporto più vicino: 1.Suvarnabhumi Airport 2. Don Mueang International Airport
Trasporto dall'aeroporto: 1.Suvarnabhumi Airport 2. Don Mueang International Airport

Cose da sapere

Politica di cancellazione


KIS Reignwood Park Camp Refund Policy

At KIS Reignwood Park Camp, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our campers. As part of our commitment to maintaining a high-quality experience for all participants, we have established the following refund policy:

Politica di cancellazione

Refund Policy: Applicable Only for Medical Conditions

In the event of cancellation due to a confirmed case of COVID-19, influenza, or any of the illnesses specified below, a 50% refund will be issued, subject to a 5,000 Thai Baht administrative fee. The refund will be processed only upon receipt of the following documentation:

  1. COVID-19: An RT-PCR test report issued by a recognized hospital.
  2. Influenza: A doctor's note confirming the diagnosis of influenza.
  3. Body Injury Requiring Surgery: Documented evidence of the injury and a medical report indicating the necessity for surgical intervention.

Please note that results from self-testing kits, photographs of test results, or home diagnoses are not acceptable.

For all medical conditions, a hospital-issued medical record indicating isolation or admission is required. The institution retains the right to verify the authenticity of the medical documentation with the issuing hospital. If it is determined that the medical record contains misleading or false information, the refund will be automatically forfeited.

List of Verified Illnesses Eligible for a 50% Refund

  1. Chickenpox (Varicella)
  2. Gastrointestinal (GI) Infections
  3. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD)
  4. Herpangina
  5. Hepatitis A, B, C
  6. Influenza A
  7. Influenza B
  8. Poliovirus
  9. Pneumonia
  10. RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
  11. Rubella
  12. Tuberculosis
  13. SARS Coronavirus (SARS-COV2) COVID-19
  14. Body Injury Requiring Surgery
    1. No-Shows - Please note that no refunds will be issued for participants who do not attend the camp under any circumstances.
    2. Transfer Policy

      Transfer of Registration: Participants may transfer their registration to another individual up to 30 days before the commencement of the camp, subject to an additional fee of 5,000 Thai Baht. If the camp involves ticket fees, such requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the school's policy and the timeframe for modifying flight ticket names.

      Please note that any additional fees associated with ticket modifications or other changes will be the responsibility of the participant.

    3. Refund Processing

      Refunds will be processed within 30 business days from the date of the cancellation request. Please note that refunds will be issued as a credit note for future use related to school activities and will not be provided in cash under any circumstances.

    4. Contact Information

      To request the cancellation or transfer of your registration, please notify us at as promptly as possible.

      Please be advised that leaving a message does not constitute confirmation of your cancellation request. A response from our office is required to complete the cancellation process.

      If you do not receive a response within three business days, we kindly request that you contact us by telephone at +66 2 939 9999 / (02-937-2737)

    5. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our refund policy. This policy is in place to ensure that we can continue providing a safe, enriching, and enjoyable camp experience for all attendees.

Misure Covid
Salute e sicurezza
Rapporto tra personale e studenti

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